The past few years Croatia has been booming with famous people. News papers were filled with articles about visits of famous actors, singers, people from political walk of life and other influenced people. What is so interesting in Croatia that attracts so many people?
First of all Croatia has a beautiful, untouched nature, so many islands that boat lovers can enjoy, but one thing is for sure, you can definitely enjoy your privacy.
So that is something that celebrities love about Croatia. It has not been only one case about a celebrity cruising around Adriatic coast, which you knew nothing about until they left. Well that is something money can not buy, a vacation in a peaceful nature, hidden from curious eyes and the camera flashes. Croatia seems to be a perfect paradise to escape for many celebrities. We had some interesting people that visited Dubrovnik, Split, Hvar, Skradin and many others. We can mention just few of them: a football player Christiano Ronaldo visited Dubrovnik with his girlfriend in April 2019, before we had visits from Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, prince Harry, Naomi Campbell, Bill Gates who visited Skradin and many others.
We are now expecting the first official visit to city of Split from Royal Prince Edward. We can say for sure that with today’s modern way of living, the expanded interest in social media, the power of photography and fast spreading news through the Internet, Croatia is becoming a small country acknowledged and recognised among people from different spheres.
We can only expect that this can create a positive attitude between real estate lovers and new home buyers, that want to experience Croatia as not only a one week vacation destination but a 2nd home destination for realtors and their families.
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Real Estate Coordinator
Josipa is an extremely communicative and sociable person who cares about clients and their needs in the first place. Guided by her own ambitions and organization, she is maximally dedicated to the work she does. Always smiling and happy, she approaches every new task and looks forward to new challenges. Its primary area of activity is the Dalmatian coast and islands, with its center in the city of Split.
Josipa is an extremely communicative and sociable person who cares about clients and their needs in the first place. Guided by her own ambitions and organization, she is maximally dedicated to the work she does. Always smiling and happy, she approaches every new task and looks forward to new challenges. Its primary area of activity is the Dalmatian coast and islands, with its center in the city of Split.
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